Electronic Load


EL1002 frontside
EL1002 backpanel
The EL1002 single-quadrant potentiostat was designed as an extension for the ZENNIUM series to perform measurements on high-power electrochemical systems such as PEM or solid oxide fuel cells. This highly dynamic electronic load was optimized for EIS measurements on frequencies on the order of 10 µHz to 100 kHz at high current densities.

The EL1002 is suited for power dissipation up to 1 kW at voltages up to 100 V. It can modulate and control currents of up to 200 A. Due to the innovative connection concept of the EL1002, additional power supplies or electronic loads can extend the current range up to 680 A. The EXT-concept allows for outstanding EIS quality at high currents and conserves a good value-to-price ratio.

The versatile interconnection capabilities of the EL1002 give access to measurements at high currents on large-scale batteries, electrolyzers or fuel cells.
  • Power extension of ZENNIUM potentiostat for battery, fuel cells, or electrolyzer stack measurements up 68 kW
  • EIS measurements at high power from 10 µHz bis 100 kHz
  • High bandwitdh and outstanding EIS data quality


Potentiostatic modes
potentiostatic, galvanostatic, pseudo-galvanostatic, off
Cell connection
2-, 3-, 4-terminal sensing
Ground reference
Maximum Measurable Voltage
±100 V
Maximum Measurable Current
±680 A
Maximum Input Voltage
100 V
Maximum Sink Current
200 A
Power dissipation
1000 W
Input impedance
100 kΩ
64 GB
Equivalent input noise
< 10 µV rms
USB, Ethernet (1)
Additional I/Os
5 (1)
Additional analog outputs
1 (1)
Additional analog inputs
4 (1)
Temperature sensor interface
Type K (1)
Ambient temperature
10 °C - 25 °C
Maximum humidity
60 %
Dimensions (H x W x D)
160 x 470 x 485 mm3
21.5 kg
Hardware features will be unlocked in future with a free software update
Maxmium current accuracy
±68 mA ​± 0.1% of reading
Maximum voltage accuracy
±500 µV ​± 0.1% of reading
ADC resolution
24 bits
Input voltage resolution
0.596 µV
Input current resolution
11.9 µA
DAC resolution
16 bits
Output voltage resolution
125 µV
Output current resolution
2.5 mA
Frequency range
10 µHz - 100 kHz
Impedance range
1 µΩ - 100 Ω(1)
Impedances below 10 mΩ must be measured galvanostatically. EL1002 is optimized for galvanostatic operation on objects below 1 Ω.
Maxmium current accuracy
±68 mA ​± 0.1% of reading
Maximum voltage accuracy
±500 µV ​± 0.1% of reading
ADC resolution
24 bits
Input voltage resolution
0.596 µV
Input current resolution
11.9 µA
DAC resolution
18 bits
Output voltage resolution
38.14 µV
Output current resolution
763 µA
Potentiostatic modes
potentiostatic, galvanostatic, pseudo-galvanostatic, off
Cell connection
2-, 3-, 4-terminal sensing
Ground reference
Maximum Measurable Voltage
±100 V
Maximum Measurable Current
±680 A
Maximum Input Voltage
100 V
Maximum Sink Current
200 A
Power dissipation
1000 W
Input impedance
100 kΩ
64 GB
Equivalent input noise
< 10 µV rms
USB, Ethernet (1)
Additional I/Os
5 (1)
Additional analog outputs
1 (1)
Additional analog inputs
4 (1)
Temperature sensor interface
Type K (1)
Ambient temperature
10 °C - 25 °C
Maximum humidity
60 %
Dimensions (H x W x D)
160 x 470 x 485 mm3
21.5 kg
Hardware features will be unlocked in future with a free software update
Maxmium current accuracy
±68 mA ​± 0.1% of reading
Maximum voltage accuracy
±500 µV ​± 0.1% of reading
ADC resolution
24 bits
Input voltage resolution
0.596 µV
Input current resolution
11.9 µA
DAC resolution
16 bits
Output voltage resolution
125 µV
Output current resolution
2.5 mA
Frequency range
10 µHz - 100 kHz
Impedance range
1 µΩ - 100 Ω(1)
Impedances below 10 mΩ must be measured galvanostatically. EL1002 is optimized for galvanostatic operation on objects below 1 Ω.
Maxmium current accuracy
±68 mA ​± 0.1% of reading
Maximum voltage accuracy
±500 µV ​± 0.1% of reading
ADC resolution
24 bits
Input voltage resolution
0.596 µV
Input current resolution
11.9 µA
DAC resolution
18 bits
Output voltage resolution
38.14 µV
Output current resolution
763 µA


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