Service & Support

Effective communication between Zahner and our customers is crucial for ensuring optimal solutions for your applications. Contact our team to find out what Zahner has to offer for your applications and experimental needs.

Getting Started with Zahner

Zahner is there to assist you in every step of your application, from setting up your experiment to the evaluation of your measurement data. In this section, information is provided to get started with the ZENNIUM potentiostat. Each section also contains relevant videos and Pdfs to assist the users in the first phase of "Getting started with Zahner".

Our Support Team

Jann Odrobina

Dr. Jann Odrobina
Head of Technical Sales


Waqas Saddique

Dr. Waqas Saddique
Application Specialist & Marketing Manager


Alexander Krimalowski

Dr. Alexander Krimalowski
Sales Scientist


Contact your Zahner's team
for pre-sale questions regarding the Zahner's potentiostats
or for after-sales support.

Application Notes

Application notes are written on the different mostly used applications. The application notes described how the measurement can be carried out. Read or download the following application notes.

Video Library

This section contains introductory videos for the Hardware, Thales software and Zahner Analysis software.

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Introduction to electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (Part I)

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Introduction to cyclic voltammetry

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Introduction to control potentiostat window

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Installation of Thales software

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Characterizing a cyclic voltammogram - Part I-
Zahner Analysis

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Fitting an impedance spectrum
Zahner Analysis

Software Updates

The Thales software package can be downloaded for free. You can find more information about software updates on this page. Former versions are available on request.

Zahner’s Archives

For many decades, Zahner is working with the electrochemical community. During these years Zahner has written many documents which provided insights into the electrochemical processes. (Please note that most documents are no longer up to date.)