External frequency response analysis


The FRA-Probe interfaces a third-party potentiostat or an electronic load to a ZENNIUM series potentiostat. The probe allows ZENNIUM potentiostats to modulate the current or voltage signal of third party potentiostats and carry out EIS measurements. The FRA-Probe allows ZENNIUM users to expand the power range to unlimited scales enabling EIS measurements on extreme samples like full stack fuel cells.

The third party potentiostat or the electronic load must provide an analog control input and analog signal outputs for use with the FRA-Probe.

The FRA-Probe interfaced setup can also be incorporated in a Python lab environment and can be controlled remotely.


Control output
±10 V (DC + AC)

±4 V AC
Current input
±10 V
Voltage input
±10 V
Frequency response
DC - 1 MHz
Inputs / outputs
differential in/outs
Gain factors
user defined in software
Control output
±10 V (DC + AC)

±4 V AC
Current input
±10 V
Voltage input
±10 V
Frequency response
DC - 1 MHz
Inputs / outputs
differential in/outs
Gain factors
user defined in software


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